Monday, January 26, 2009


That is the only thing I have to say about the last 24 hours. Traveling mostly went smoothly, but took FOREVER. I left my house at 5:30 AM EST on the 25th, and got here at around 9 AM Israeli time on the 26th. Crazy stuff, I can't even calculate that.

The dorms are pretty nasty--I'm never complaining about AU again. There are two double rooms and a bathroom and a kitchen. The necessaries are there but it will be an adjustment! So far I only have one roommate and I was half asleep when I met her, but she seems nice.

One thing I've noticed is that functioning without any knowledge of Hebrew is way harder than I thought it would be. I can't understand anything, and it's pretty harder to memorize letters that look like shapes. I didn't think I'd be saying this, but I can't wait for classes to start. I need to start learning some Hebrew immediately.

OK well I'm still pretty exhausted but I'll write again soon, and with pictures next time!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

82 hours, 16 minutes until take off!!

I'm getting ready for my departure to Israel after having a great time in D.C. for inauguration. I can't believe this is actually happening, but at the same time I'm sooo excited and can't wait to finally get there and start my adventure! Here's a few things you should know about my plans...

  • I know that Israel looks scary on the news, but I want everyone to know that if I thought I'd be in serious danger, I wouldn't be going. Tel Aviv is safe and I'm smart and aware and will be careful.
  • Most of you know that I'm not very religious, so Israel may seem like a strange choice. For me, studying in Israel isn't about my personal religion so much as it is about culture, history, and learning and experiencing different things in the world!
  • I don't speak Hebrew. This will be fun.
  • Contacting me: you can use this blog, Facebook, or email to contact me ( I'll also have a cell phone in Israel--more details on that later.
I'm so lucky to have this awesome experience ahead of me, and I really can't wait for it to begin!